Starting in June 2024, Department of Transformation will move into its new home at The Clemente, the beloved non-profit cultural center in Manhattan's Lower East Side. With generous support through The Clemente's Microresidency program, D🌍T will make this building—focused on Latinx and community-based artists and organizations—the center of its operations through at least 2025.
With the assistance of architect Cathy Braasch, D🌏T has renovated the former classroom into a new space for thinking, working, planning, gathering, and learning. Prem Krishnamurthy, founder and director of Department of Transformation: “This generous support of The Clemente—and Libertad Guerra, the organization's visionary leader—gives D🌎T a home for its many activities over the next years. We're already planning public programs including protest karaoke, monthly experimental therapy sessions, reading groups, office hours, and more. The Clemente is a beautiful family, a model of what the arts in NYC ought to be. We are truly honored to be part of this community.”